BLoBuL.CoM is based in Prague and offers its publishing services for all your promotional needs and for all types of materials. From style guidelines to logos, we design posters, brochures, websites, electronic newsletters... and we promote your content through the use of social media and high search engine visibility.
Nowadays 15% to 20% of visits come from users using a smartphone or a tablet. An optimized website will ensure comfort and rapidity in its use, a big plus for your communication.
Through careful design and the implementation of modern tools, we craft websites that reflect your business and convey your ideas. Content management and automatic layout allow you to update your site with ease, wherever you are.
BLoBuL.CoM offers its publishing services for all your promotional needs and for all types of materials.
From style guidelines to logos, we design posters, brochures, websites, electronic newsletters... and we promote your content through the use of social media and high search engine visibility.
Website content and appearance are matters of critical importance to us. We strive to convey an emotion, to tell a story and to provide the visitors of your site with a positive experience.
For us, web development is all about creating fluid and pleasing experiences.
Beyond the simple aesthetics of the websites we create, we offer you a wide range of custom features: photo slideshows, interactive calendars, animated menus and online forms...
All functionalities that gives your website a complete set of tools to assist you in all your communication tasks.
Getting to know the content management system for editors is very fast: 30 minutes is enough. Furthermore, the intuitive user interface will assist you with the most common tasks. No knowledge of a programming language is required.
Update your site wherever you are: flexibility and simplicity at your service!